Week 01/01/0001
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8130 White to play

White wins ,L. Mitrofanov 1967
8106 White wins
Либуркин, Марк Савельевич 1940
8093 White to play
McNab - Groszpeter
? 1992
8084 White to play - draw
M.Pasman 2019 2019

8110 Draw
Cheskoslovensky Shach - Commendation 2019
8095 Draw
UAPA 10 - 1-st prize 2019
8083 White to play - draw
M.Pasman 2019 2019

8080 White wins
Matisons, Hermanis 1914-03-16
8040 White wins
Kasparjan, Genrich - Назарян, А. 1940
3rd Prize 1940