Paste full and legal pgn of the study or puzzle. Skip to stage 7 if diagram looks OK.
Select Solution display type (full display / solving )
"Solve + Show" is the default - Solve status and Show solution button.
Chose the diagram color.
Chose Pieces Set.
Chose the diagram type (Only rectangles are available for facebook shared link preview).
Square diagram you can share as image or facebook comment preview,
but not facebook post preview (it will be poor view in facebbok)
For authenticated user there are more options available.
Check "Invert" checkbox if you want to invert diagram background colors.
Verify header and author that are filled automatically according to pgn - change them if needed.
Click "Refresh" Button if you changed them to display changes on the diagram.
When everything is ready - Click "Save PGN" button
Publish the diagram in ChessPM facebook group in one of 3 ways :
a) Diagram as picture - right click on image and save it on your disk first and then share it.
b) Link with diagram display - click on 'copy link' (to cliboard) button and paste where needed.
c) FB-Share button shares the link with diagram by dialog - just choose 'Share in group' and 'ChessPM' as group name.